Mild steel welding wire is a type of welding wire made from low-alloy, high-strength steel. Mild steel welding wire is used for thin metal sheets, such as roofing and siding. It is also used for light industrial applications, like joining pieces of metal pipe.

Flux Cored welding wire also know as gasless wire. Also dual-shield that uses gas and flux cored mainly used for outdoor welding to combat the elements

Aluminum filler wire for welding aluminum objects

Stainless steel filler wire for welding together stainless steel objects

Low fuming bronze is a popular general-purpose copper-zinc brazing alloy that is commonly used for oxy/acetylene weld brazing of brasses and for brazing copper and copper alloys to carbon and low alloy steels, cast iron, tool steels and nickel alloys.

Silicon bronze filler metal mostly consists of copper, silicon, tin, iron and zinc. This composition provides some unique benefits such as the ability to weld dissimilar metals together. It also reduces distortion and provide a visually appealing finish

Welding electrodes are metal wires with baked on chemical coatings. The rod is used to sustain the welding arc and to provide the filler metal required for the joint to be welded.